Hello Again! (8 PM, November 17th of 2022)


I got a job fixing computers. I'm also not taking estrogen yet because I don't have any money.

I thought that my life was supposed to be easier after dropping out of college. All I have to do is work and make money now, but there's a crushing lack of fulfilment. I love IT, and I like the job. I think my issue is the place I am staying at.

It has become clear to me that my family has forgotten about the existance of this blog. I would like to make it clear now to anyone reading who has not been caught up, I go by Sabrina now. My alter ego is @SabrinaWins_ on co-host and Twitter.

I plan to make a video in which I talk more about it because it dawned on me that that moment of realization- when I said to myself, "holy shit, I am trans. how the hell did I not realize this sooner?" I started to think about a lot of other stuff I normally wouldn't have and it's ultimately I think made me a better person. As someone who talks way too much at times, it'll be fun to talk about something that isn't a video game for once.

I'm not scared of anyone anymore. My father will literally be nothing more than a telephone come this weekend. Really the only thing I'm still worried about is that I'll be fired for being trans. Which, honestly is probably grounds for a discrimination lawsuit as they seem to like me while I am appearing as male.

Oh! Also, I'm going to work on the Collection page very soon! I'm very excited to have a platform where I can catalogue all of my awesome records, tapes, games, and comic books!

P.S. The visual novel has a name and is being worked on in super secret! It's called "Cyberwhatever", that's about all I can say about it for the time being though!

Thanks for reading,
